7 January 2016

Steal Yo Twitter ♡

This morning was a rather successful morning, I'd say.
Not only did I drag myself out of bed to go food shopping (thank god, I would've regretted putting it off), but I also managed to grab myself a Stolen code. Some of you may be asking yourselves "What the heck is a stolen code?!" or "Abbie, why are you out stealing peoples codes?!" Either that or you are already in the loop and are fascinated how on earth I stumbled upon a code considering I have like no friends to have shared one with me.

While this last statement is true, I will recite how I got the code in just a moment. Firstly, I will start by saying that Stolen is an app - just for iPhones at the minute I believe, correct me if I'm wrong. Secondly, a Stolen code is what you need to be able to access or use the app. To get a code you need to be sent it/invited by someone who already has one and is using the app. So, of course, I felt immense joy as I entered my code and pretended like I'd just joined some sort of exclusive club while millions of unlucky souls on Twitter wept as they continued their own personal search for an invitation code for the app. But, I totally relate to all those people, I was in that position just this morning. Quite a few of my online friends had a code and joined the app, but when given a code to then invite someone themselves would invite other people that perhaps had asked first or simply whom they are closer with. With that being said, I had a strong feeling I wouldn't be getting anything anytime soon.

I quite literally sat down for like 40 minutes scrolling through Twitter and searching different phrases and sentences involving the words 'stolen' and 'code' in hopes of finding someone who had one to giveaway. Most of the people on there right now seem very spammy and scammy. Basically they spam the same message about how they have a code but its apparent they aren't actually giving one out and that they're just in it for the follows. Soon enough, I came across one person who needed a shoutout and promo for his YouTube account and said in return he had a spare code he'd give as payment I guess you could put it. Pretty much my social media accounts (Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and YouTube) each have a good number of followers so I was all like "My friend, I can help you with that! Please would you kindly slide into my DMs!" I trusted him to return the favour, he seemed very reliable - and he was! Moments later I got that code and I rushed onto the app quicker than I probably should have.

It's quite amazing how something so little can be this addicting though. I already had a general understanding of what it was beforehand, but still, I have been checking quite frequently to see any updates to if anyone has stolen any of my 'collections'. Your collection is basically the Twitter accounts that you have bought (yes, fake money). Obviously more popular and verified accounts have a higher net worth and are more pricey to buy but it is very possible to achieve a good amount of money to be able to buy one of these big accounts. I haven't bought anyone huge just yet, mainly just people I know and friends. Its weirdly frustrating whenever I buy a friend then another friend 'steals' them from me. But I suppose thats the point of it! Apologies if this is the most un-exciting thing you've ever read, though. I was just pretty proud of how quickly I made it into the app and wanted to share the excitement (its so exciting, amirite). Again, I don't know why I've been so addicted to this today but hey if you want a stolen code then keep an eye on my page because if I get another one in the future I may run a giveaway here for anyone desperate for one! 

Luckily I know partiallllyyyyyy how to get another code but I need to find out a couple more details so that I know how close I am to this. Oh, also: my goal is to at one point buy either JK Rowling, Maisie Williams, Darren Criss, Miranda Sings (random but I just really like/admire them ok) or my friend that my other friend keeps stealing from me I mean is that too much to ask. I will let you know how well this goes, hahaha! 

By the way, its 2016 if you didn't know already! I hope you all had a fantastic New Years, mine was pretty ok - better than my Christmas in some aspects anyway as I didn't do much for Christmas. I hope your Christmas was lots of fun, though! Heres to another year of procrastination for me. No actually I shouldn't say that. I have a lot of uni work to get done in the next few months and honestly I want to cry myself to sleep every night because  it seems to make itself the last thing that pops into my mind before going to bed. Let's not make the post sad though.... *tries to smile*

Have a wonderful rest of the week and I will see you in my next post which will be fairly soon and.. teaser: something to do with clothing that I'm quite in love with. Until then, bye bye!


Update: I bought Maisie Williams and JK Rowling, 2 off my list! :p

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